
Deterrent granules liberate an unpleasant smell for reptiles (snakes, lizards, geckos, etc.), which will tend to move away from treated area. The product is innocuous for people and animals and does not cause damages to meadows and plants.
MODES OF USE: Spread the product on the areas infested by reptiles or where you want them not to arrive. It is applied along the perimeters of houses, gardens, parks, camping, pool sides, wood warehouses, garages, etc. The Deterrent must be deposited on the soil by making strips of about 15 cm wide at the dose of 100 grams for every 10 square metres of treated soil. In case of a high presence of reptiles, it is possible to double the dose of use or to increase it to a maximum of 200 grams for every 10 square metres. Repeat the treatment after 20 days or after irrigation or rain.
Do not use the product for purposes other than those indicated – Keep the product well closed in its original package and in a fresh and dry place – Keep the product in a place that cannot be reached by children and far from food and drinks – It contains inert material (clayey material) and active aromatic substances.
Do not disperse the container to the environment after use.
Content: 1 Kg